Sunnybank Hills Personal Trainer

$ 5.00 Personal Training Sessions

Posts Tagged ‘health and fitness sunnybank 4109

Affordable, Boxing based Personal Training in Sunnybank Hills, 4109

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The UNIQUE, FAST and FUN Way to get in SHAPE! Treadmills, elliptical and counting reps can be daunting, ineffective and boring. And, often lead to lack of results, motivation and fun.

Fortunately, Boxing Fitness owner, certified conditioning specialist and former Amateur Boxing Champion Beven “Chiccy” Henry has put a new twist on the traditional, offering a one-of-a-kind, 100 percent effective and exciting work out regime – The Boxing Fitness Boot camp.

The Boxing Fitness Boot camp is a 12-week, progressive and structured fitness program that combines basic boxing workouts with circuit and interval training to accelerate fat loss while providing motivation and accountability. “I wanted to create a unique brand of fitness that mimics the training of a professional boxer preparing for a fight,” said Chiccy. “Boxing is the most demanding of all sports and workouts, and it’s the best form of exercise for getting in shape fast.”

Chiccy developed the Boxing Fitness Boot camp in 2010 after several years of experimenting with a variety of workout programs. The methodology behind the Boxing Fitness Boot camp combines a strong emphasis on body weight exercises, supersets, trisets as well as interval and circuit training.

The Boxing Fitness Boot camp goes beyond hardcore boxing fitness training. The program also includes:

» Body composition analysis

» Meal planning

» Supplementation recommendations

» Workout tracking

The Boxing Fitness Boot camp is for anyone interested in a fat loss program that provides intensity and variety through a combination of boxing and boot camp exercises guaranteed to be challenging. So whether you’re a exercise newbie or a workout pro, the Boxing Fitness Boot camp will provide you with an all-over, fun and unique fitness regime.

The Boxing Fitness Boot camp is offered: Monday – Friday at: 6 pm ( Women & Men ) If evening classes dont work for you, ask about our other programs:

* 1on1 Boxing Training

* Boxing Fitness Classes

All you need to start the Boxing Fitness Boot camp is:

» A workout towel

» Hand wraps

» Boxing gloves

» Regular workout attire

» Running shoes

In the Boxing Fitness Boot camp you will utilize:

» Dumbbells

» Medicine balls

» Stability balls

» Kettle bells

» Heavy bags

» Speed bags

» Timing balls

» And more…

Each 60 to 90 minute workout will leave you sweating, burning fat and practicing a challenging set of exercises. As a result of the program, you can expect to:

» Lose weight

» Gain strength

» Improve endurance

» Increase speed

» Better your coordination

» Gain flexibility

Within the first two to three weeks you will notice an increase in endurance and strength as well as two to six pounds of weight loss.

Over the course of the 12 week program, you’ll lose a total of 10 to 20 pounds. Your attendance will affect your results, for:

» DRAMATIC RESULTS Attend Boxing Fitness Boot camp 5 sessions a week

» SIGNIFICANT RESULTS Attend Boxing Fitness Boot camp 4 sessions a week

» NOTICABLE RESULTS Attend Boxing Fitness Boot camp 3 sessions a week

» GOOD RESULTS Attend Boxing Fitness Boot camp 2 sessions a week

Call Beven “Chiccy” Henry on +61 0415 521 515 or email for further info.

Personal Trainer Sunnybank Hills 4109

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If you want to get into shape FAST and stay in shape… then this could be the most important page you’ll ever read.

My name is Beven “Chiccy” Henry … I own Sunnybank Hills Personal Training  &  House 0f Pain Boxing Australia, the two most in-demand and fun fitness centres in Sunnybank Hills… for the last 20 year I’ve been helping people just like you to get into the best shape of their lives.

Our workouts are fun, extremely effective and will have you looking amazing in no time… no matter what kind of shape you’re in now.

With Our Personal Training Program You will…

4 Flatten your stomach, tone up and feel great.
3 Say goodbye to strict diets, just use our easy to follow nutrition plan and our high energy, calorie-busting workouts will do the rest.
2 Get the motivation and accountability to break bad habits.
1 Crank up your metabolism, turn your body into a furnace and finally blast away the fat.

1 And so much more.

As the owner of a Personal Training company and Boxing Gym it’s in my best interest to get you into great shape, my income depends upon it.

If my clients don’t achieve results I don’t earn a living, which is why I’ve spent the best part of ten years perfecting a system that we use and know gets results 100% of the time!

You might be thinking you’re some how different and we can’t help you.

WE CAN! Everyone that has followed our program (CAREFULLY) has seen results. I GUARANTEE IT!

Whether your goal is to lose unwanted fat, fit back into your skinny jeans or flatten your stomach… you can follow a tried and tested personal training program that has helped  people achieve amazing results.

Sunnybank Hills Personal Training get’s real weight loss results for real people…. PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU.

But… If you’re just looking for a personal trainer to alleviate your guilt, or if you’re looking for a quick fix…. Then our personal training program isn’t for you. It’s for people that are 100% committed to getting shape.

However… If you’re ready for change then here’s what you need to do.

First… understand that there are so many hours in the day and only so many people we can train, but as of this writing we do have a couple of spots still available.

So how do I hire a Sunnybank Hills Personal Trainer?

STEP 1: You meet with one of our personal trainers for your FREE consultation and trial session.

STEP 2: You’ll go through a nutritional consultation and a movement screen so we can devise a nutrition plan and a training program that is specifically catered for you.

STEP 3: Your current fitness levels will be assessed to measure your progress.

STEP 4: Together we will evaluate your goals and set you achievable timeframes.

STEP 5: As part of your exercise regimen a training program will designed for you to follow on the days you’re not exercising with your trainer.

STEP 6: Begin Personal Training, we ask that you train at least four times per week, a minimum of two with us.

STEP 7: If your not assessing you’re guessing! We will do regular assessments to measure your results and program accordingly.

STEP 8: You reach your goals and get the body that you’ve always wanted. It’s that simple!

I ask you…

9 Do you want to say goodbye to all the hype, lies and deceptions the weight loss infomercials feed you?
8 Do you want learn the secrets of how to eat, exercise, and live a healthier life so you can take control of your own health?
8 Do you want someone to hold you accountable, to take you by the hand and guide you every step of the way so you reach your fitness goals.

Then please, act now… there are only so many hours in a day and so many people we can take on for the free consultation and trial session.

What have you got to lose except unwanted kilo’s? Just call the number below for your free session.

Sunnybank Hills Personal Training

0415 521 515 Ask for “Chiccy”

Things Your Personal Trainer Won’t Tell You!

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“Once I get my big break, I’m outta here.”

When Patrick Wickman, a scientist for an engineering firm in Brisbane , signed up for eight sessions with a personal trainer at $70 a pop, he was excited about the prospect of developing a long-term program. And sure enough, says Wickman, the trainer promised to help him reach his goals only to disappear after five sessions, at which point, Wickman says, he was passed off to other trainers: “The personal touch evaporated.”

The personal-training industry has high rates of employee turnover, partially because of low salaries, which average $32,900 for independent trainers and $35,000 for those employed by a health club, according to IDEA. Plus, the flexible nature of the gig attracts those who want to work part-time while following other pursuits, like acting or dance. Unfortunately for you, when your right-hand man lands a callback audition that conflicts with your next appointment, you’re the one stuck rescheduling or settling for a sub. To help avoid future disappointment, ask about your prospective trainer’s intentions and long-term career goals, especially if you’re interested in purchasing a bigger package of sessions.

Sunnybank Hills Personal Training, Beven “Chiccy” Henry +61415 521 515

Things Your Personal Trainer Won’t Tell You,

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“I’m no nutritionist, but that won’t stop me from telling you what to eat.”

Personal trainers have been pushing protein powders and meal replacements for years, but now many are playing nutritionist as well. “There’s no evidence that nutritional advice or any of these health products are beneficial or at all necessary.

Not only that, but if you’re facing certain health issues, nutritional advice given by trainers can sometimes do more harm than good. “Nutritional supplements, when mixed with other medication and strenuous exercise, can result in injury or even death.  Take one of the country’s growing epidemics diabetes. For those suffering from it, it’s crucial that your health care provider knows you’re taking nutritional supplements, because it can be dangerous,”

The best personal trainers don’t pretend to be health professionals, but they are happy to facilitate an open channel of communication between a client and a health-care provider if the situation calls for it.

Sunnybank Hills  personal training,   Beven “Chiccy” Henry ph +61415 521 515

AAA+ Personal Trainer Sunnybank (Hills) Qld 4109 Australia

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The UNIQUE, FAST and FUN Way to get in SHAPE!

Treadmills, elliptical and counting reps can be daunting, ineffective and boring. And, often lead to lack of results, motivation and fun. Fortunately,  Boxing Fitness owner, certified conditioning specialist and former Amateur  Boxing Champion Beven “Chiccy” Henry has put a new twist on the traditional, offering a one-of-a-kind, 100 percent effective and exciting work out regime – The Boxing Fitness Boot camp.

The Boxing Fitness Boot camp is a 12-week, progressive and structured fitness program that combines basic boxing workouts with circuit and interval training to accelerate fat loss while providing motivation and accountability.

“I wanted to create a unique brand of fitness that mimics the training of a professional boxer preparing for a fight,” said Chiccy. “Boxing is the most demanding of all sports and workouts, and it’s the best form of exercise for getting in shape fast.”

Chiccy developed the  Boxing Fitness Boot camp in 2010 after several years of experimenting with a variety of workout programs. The methodology behind the Boxing Fitness Boot camp combines a strong emphasis on body weight exercises, supersets, trisets as well as interval and circuit training.

The Boxing Fitness Boot camp goes beyond hardcore boxing fitness training. The program also includes:

» Body composition analysis

» Meal planning

» Supplementation recommendations

» Workout tracking

The Boxing Fitness Boot camp is for anyone interested in a fat loss program that provides intensity and variety through a combination of boxing and boot camp exercises guaranteed to be challenging. So whether you’re a exercise newbie or a workout pro, the Boxing Fitness Boot camp will provide you with an all-over, fun and unique fitness regime.

The Boxing Fitness Boot camp is offered:

Monday – Friday at:

6 pm ( Women Only )

If evening classes dont work for you, ask about our other programs:

  • 1on1 Boxing Training
  • Boxing Fitness Classes

All you need to start the Boxing Fitness Boot camp is:

» A workout towel

» Hand wraps

» Boxing gloves

» Regular workout attire

» Running shoes

In the Boxing Fitness Boot camp you will utilize:
» Dumbbells
» Medicine balls
» Stability balls
» Kettle bells
» Heavy bags
» Speed bags
» Timing balls
» And more…

Each 60 to 90 minute workout will leave you sweating, burning fat and practicing a challenging set of exercises. As a result of the program, you can expect to:
» Lose weight
» Gain strength
» Improve endurance
» Increase speed
» Better your coordination
» Gain flexibility

Within the first two to three weeks you will notice an increase in endurance and strength as well as two to six pounds of weight loss. Over the course of the 12 week program, you’ll lose a total of 10 to 20 pounds.

Your attendance will affect your results, for:

Attend Boxing Fitness Boot camp 5 sessions a week

Attend Boxing Fitness Boot camp 4 sessions a week

Attend Boxing Fitness Boot camp 3 sessions a week

Attend Boxing Fitness Boot camp 2 sessions a week

Call Beven “Chiccy” Henry on +61 0415 521 515 or email for further info.

Welcome to Sunnybank Personal Training &Fitness

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Sunnybank Personal Training And Fitness Facility

Sunnybank Personal Training & Fitness offers targeted workout and training programs for first-time and experienced boxers, fitness enthusiasts and those looking to use boxing as a means to get in shape and improve fitness levels.

Sunnybank Personal Training & Fitness offers high intensity, full body workout programs that will help you:

  • Lose weight
  • Keep your body lean and toned
  • Build core strength
  • Develop rhythm
  • Increase hand and foot speed
  • Improve hand-eye coordination
  • Reduce stress
  • Compete in the sport of boxing
  • …and more

With rates as low as $5 a session and workouts that guarantee results what do you have to lose…besides the weight!

Call Beven “Chiccy” Henry on +61 0415 521 515 for further info.