Sunnybank Hills Personal Trainer

$ 5.00 Personal Training Sessions

Things Your Personal Trainer Won’t Tell You!

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“Once I get my big break, I’m outta here.”

When Patrick Wickman, a scientist for an engineering firm in Brisbane , signed up for eight sessions with a personal trainer at $70 a pop, he was excited about the prospect of developing a long-term program. And sure enough, says Wickman, the trainer promised to help him reach his goals only to disappear after five sessions, at which point, Wickman says, he was passed off to other trainers: “The personal touch evaporated.”

The personal-training industry has high rates of employee turnover, partially because of low salaries, which average $32,900 for independent trainers and $35,000 for those employed by a health club, according to IDEA. Plus, the flexible nature of the gig attracts those who want to work part-time while following other pursuits, like acting or dance. Unfortunately for you, when your right-hand man lands a callback audition that conflicts with your next appointment, you’re the one stuck rescheduling or settling for a sub. To help avoid future disappointment, ask about your prospective trainer’s intentions and long-term career goals, especially if you’re interested in purchasing a bigger package of sessions.

Sunnybank Hills Personal Training, Beven “Chiccy” Henry +61415 521 515

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