Sunnybank Hills Personal Trainer

$ 5.00 Personal Training Sessions

Things Your Personal Trainer Won’t Tell You,

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“I’m no nutritionist, but that won’t stop me from telling you what to eat.”

Personal trainers have been pushing protein powders and meal replacements for years, but now many are playing nutritionist as well. “There’s no evidence that nutritional advice or any of these health products are beneficial or at all necessary.

Not only that, but if you’re facing certain health issues, nutritional advice given by trainers can sometimes do more harm than good. “Nutritional supplements, when mixed with other medication and strenuous exercise, can result in injury or even death.  Take one of the country’s growing epidemics diabetes. For those suffering from it, it’s crucial that your health care provider knows you’re taking nutritional supplements, because it can be dangerous,”

The best personal trainers don’t pretend to be health professionals, but they are happy to facilitate an open channel of communication between a client and a health-care provider if the situation calls for it.

Sunnybank Hills  personal training,   Beven “Chiccy” Henry ph +61415 521 515

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